- ArchiefZA 0375 - THL Image Collection
- ReeksN - N Collection
- 11982 more...
- StukN24858 - 1923. SAR short open drop-sided wagon Type K-1.
- StukN24859 - SAR narrow gauge drop-sided wagon Type NG.DZ-3.
- StukN24860 - SAR narrow gauge cattle wagon Type 8-G-5, later SAR Type NG.GH-1.
- StukN24964 - Cape Town circa 1921. SAR Class 15A with main line passenger train 7-Down leaving station with corner of Castle on left.
- StukN25389 - Umtata district. Railway trolley on bridge.
- StukN25440 - SAR cattle truck Type IZ-3 No 43670 converted from Type I-6.
- StukN25441 - SAR bogie tank wagon Type 8X-9 No 41211. Various bogies used.
- StukN25442 - SAR bogie tank wagon Type 8X-9 No 41211. Various bogies used.
- StukN25443 - SAR insulated truck Tyoe LZ-1 No 10803 converted from Type L-1.
- 2268 more...