- collectionZA 0375 - THL Image Collection
- Série organiqueP - P Collection
- 843 en plus...
- PièceP1153 - Mule wagon.
- PièceP1153_01 - Scale model of WJ Burchell's wagon.
- PièceP1153_02 - Sketch of WJ Burchell's wagon.
- PièceP1153_03 - Half tent transport wagon.
- PièceP1153_04 - Sketch of wagon and accessories.
- PièceP1153_05 - Sketch of Voortrekker wagon.
- PièceP1154 - Johannesburg, July 1909. CSAR Physical Drill team, winners of Durban military tournament training on roof of headquarters east wing.
- PièceP1157 - SAR type D-37 1st and 2nd composite main line all steel coach no 8630.
- PièceP1157_01 - SAR type D-37 1st and 2nd compo main line steel coach no 8630.
- 4556 en plus...