- ArchiefZA 0375 - THL Image Collection
- ReeksWF - WF Collection
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- StukWF_142 - July 1990. SAR Class 25NC No 3407 With Trans-Karoo passenger train.
- StukWF_143 - April 1997. SAR Class 25NC No 3476 'Griet' with 'Totsiens' on headboard.
- StukWF_144 - Witbank, October 1979. SAR Class 16DA No 879 'Theodora' at railway station.
- StukWF_145 - De Aar. SAR Class 8F No 1236 prepared to be plinthed.
- StukWF_146 - SAR Class 25NC No 3414 'Carol' under pedestrian bridge.
- StukWF_147 - Kraankuil. SAR Class 25NC. This station was the home of railway photographers world wide for the frequently and high speed working at the end of mainline steam working in South Africa.
- StukWF_148 - SAR Class 25NC with winged plate "City of Pietermaritzburg'.
- StukWF_149 - SAR Class GCA No 2623 with passenger train.
- StukWF_150 - Virginia. SAR Class 23 'Vrystaat' taking water at railway station.
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