- ArchiefZA 0375 - THL Image Collection
- ReeksPB - PB Collection
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- StukPB0997 - Ressano Garcia, Mozambique, July 1907. Group of Portuguese and CSAR Officials with CSAR Class 6L-2 hauling Royal Train before the arrival of the Crown Prince of Portugal.
- StukPB1001 - CGR guard.
- StukPB1003 - Johannesburg, circa 1902. Park station.
- StukPB1008 - Omaruru. Station yard and elevated round steel tank next to railway line.
- StukPB1010 - Outjo station building.
- StukPB1017 - Bulawayo, Rhodesia, 4 November 1897. The first train to enter.
- StukPB1022 - Rhodesia. Two ostriches alongside train at station platform.
- StukPB1025 - Krugersdorp, September 1896. Staff at station building.
- StukPB1029_002 - Three men relaxing in the NZASM coach for directors.
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