- ArchiefZA 0375 - THL Image Collection
- ReeksP - P Collection
- 839 more...
- StukP1147 - East London. Passengers leaving ship in a basket lift.
- StukP1148 - Cathcart, April 1903. Stationmaster and staff.
- StukP1149 - Sir Thomas Price. (Duffus Bros, Cape Town and Johannesburg)
- StukP1150 - Commadagga, 1923. Station staff.
- StukP1153 - Mule wagon.
- StukP1153_01 - Scale model of WJ Burchell's wagon.
- StukP1153_02 - Sketch of WJ Burchell's wagon.
- StukP1153_03 - Half tent transport wagon.
- StukP1153_04 - Sketch of wagon and accessories.
- 4560 more...