- ArchiefZA 0375 - THL Image Collection
- ReeksP - P Collection
- 1161 more...
- StukP1505 - The Natal Government Railways (NGR) coat of arms.
- StukP1506 - The Orange Free State Railways coat of arms. Note Oranjevrijstaat Spoorweg. Vryheid Immigratie. Geduld en Moed. See PB1506.
- StukP1510 - Pretoria. PPR Beyer Peacock 2-6-4T, later CSAR Class D, later SAR Class D in the Daspoort cutting.
- StukP1514 - Luderitz, South-West Africa, 1904. View over town.
- StukP1514_01 - Luderitz, South-West Africa, 1911. View over town and harbour.
- StukP1515 - 1944. Colonel JD White.
- StukP1515_01 - Colonel JD White.
- StukP1517_01 - Cape Town - Wellington railway, 31 March 1859. Lettering on spade used by Sir George Grey to turn the first sod of the Cape - Wellington railway.
- StukP1516 - Pietermaritzburg. March 1897. South African railway officers' conference.
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