- ArchiefZA 0375 - THL Image Collection
- ReeksP - P Collection
- 1691 more...
- StukP0953_23 - Karasburg, August 1914 to July 1915. Construction of the Prieska - Karasburg railway line. Points set for turnout to loop.
- StukP0953_24 - Karasburg, August 1914 to July 1915. Construction of the Prieska - Karasburg railway line. Engine shed.
- StukP0953_25 - Karasburg, August 1914 to July 1915. Construction of the Prieska - Karasburg railway line. Railway station.
- StukP0953_26 - Karasburg, August 1914 to July 1915. Construction of the Prieska - Karasburg railway line. Protection of the water supply.
- StukP0953_27 - Karasburg, August 1914 to July 1915. Construction of the Prieska - Karasburg railway line. German defences.
- StukP0953_28 - Karasburg, August 1914 to July 1915. Construction of the Prieska - Karasburg railway line. Officer posing next to SAR construction coach, ex NZASM.
- StukP0953_29 - August 1914 to July 1915. Construction of the Prieska - Karasburg railway line. Electrical lighting truck.
- StukP0953_30 - August 1914 to July 1915. Construction of the Prieska - Karasburg railway line. Karasburg from the east.
- StukP0997 - Lourenco Marques, Mozambique, July 1907. City Square decorated during the Royal tour by the Crown Prince of Portugal.
- 3708 more...