- FondoZA 0375 - THL Image Collection
- SerieE - E Collection
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- Unidad documental simpleE239 - Andrew Barclay 0-4-0T engine used on the Vaalharts dam construction in 1936. (Donated by PJ Edwards, ex SAR driver)
- Unidad documental simpleE240 - Stanger district. Orenstein & Koppel 0-4-0T engine on the Stanger light railway.
- Unidad documental simpleE241 - Stanger district. Stanger light railway in the distance.
- Unidad documental simpleE242 - Johannesburg, September 1985. SAR Class ES in snow.
- Unidad documental simpleE243 - Indwe district. Temporary deviation on the Indwe line. See P1458.
- Unidad documental simpleE244 - Estcourt. NGR narrow gauge 4-6-2T with the Weenen train at Estcourt railway station.
- Unidad documental simpleE245 - NGR 60' suburban first class coah, later SAR type L-12.
- Unidad documental simpleE246 - Cape Town. SAR Class 5 No 782 departing. (DF Holland)
- Unidad documental simpleE247 - Cape Town, 1895. Excavations in Table Bay Harbour. See PB1103.
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