- FondoZA 0375 - THL Image Collection
- SerieP - P Collection
- 2790 more...
- Unidad documental simpleP2692_01 - Windhoek, 1924. System Manager and staff picnic party.
- Unidad documental simpleP2693_01 - Johannesburg, 1910. Park Station St John Ambulance team, winners of Duncan Cup.
- Unidad documental simpleP2695_02 - Cape Town, 16 February 1925. Record loading of 4230 tons of maize from SS Glenmoor in 4 hours 10 minutes into grain elevator in Table Bay Harbour.
- Unidad documental simpleP2699_01 - Coal Advisory Committee, sitting from June 1943 to September 1945.
- Unidad documental simpleP2703_01 - East London, April 1878. Embarking in a surf boat during Ninth Frontier War Sketch. (Killie Campbell Collection)
- Unidad documental simpleP2704_01 - Ladysmth. Perspective sketch by JW Shores of the NGR Railway Institute building, viewed from Albert Street.
- Unidad documental simpleP2704_02 - Ladysmth. NGR Railway Institute building, viewed from Albert Street.
- Unidad documental simpleP2705_01 - Komatipoort, 3 July 1945. Blue train at jubilee of the Lourenco Marques - Pretoria railway.
- Unidad documental simpleP2709_01 - SAR Class 16R No 805 on the turntable at the Pretoria roundhouse.
- 2609 more...