- ArchiefZA 0375 - THL Image Collection
- ReeksR - R Collection
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- Stuk1127 - Cape Town, 24 April 1947. Royal family at Table Bay Harbour preparing to leave South Africa.
- Stuk1128 - Cape Town, 24 April 1947. Royal family at Table Bay Harbour preparing to leave South Africa.
- Stuk1130 - Cape Town, 24 April 1947. Royal family at Table Bay Harbour preparing to leave South Africa.
- Stuk1139 - Cape Town, 24 April 1947. Crowd bidding farewell to the Royal family on board 'HMS Vanguard'.
- Stuk1140 - Cape Town, 24 April 1947. Crowd bidding farewell to the Royal family on board 'HMS Vanguard'.
- Stuk1141 - Cape Town, 24 April 1947. 'HMS Vanguard' sails with the Royal family.
- Stuk1142 - Cape Town. 24 April 1947. 'HMS Vanguard' and SAR tug 'John X Merriman' pull out of Table Bay Harbour.
- Stuk1143 - Cape Town, 24 April 1947. 'HMS Vanguard' leaving Table Bay Harbour.
- Stuk1144 - Cape Town, 24 April 1947. 'HMS Vanguard' and SAR tug 'John X Merriman' leaving Table Bay Harbour.
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