- ArchiefZA 0375 - THL Image Collection
- ReeksP - P Collection
- 386 more...
- StukP0471 - Modder River, 1896. Goods train on bridge over the Modder River with Cape carts on train.
- StukP0473 - Johannesburg, 1902. Old Doornfontein station building with railway lines.
- StukP0475 - Hattingspruit. Coaling appliance.
- StukP0476 - Hattingspruit. View of station from coaling stage in foreground.
- StukP0478 - Cape Town, 1876. Station building being erected.
- StukP0482 - Durban, 1898. Railway station and NGR offices.
- StukP0484 - Shallcross. Railway lines and station buildings.
- StukP0486 - Harrismith, 28 February 1905. Opening of the Harrismith - Bethlehem line with decorated locomotive.
- StukP0487 - Bethlehem. Railway lines and station building.
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