- Aberdeen
- Aberdeen Road
- Acacia
- Addo
- Adendorp
- Agtertang
- Alandale
- Alberton
- Alfred County
- Alice
- Alicedale
- Aliwal North
- Alkmaar
- Aloes
- Amabele
- Amalinda
- Amanzimtoti
- Amatikulu
- Anenous
- Angelo
- Anglo-Boer War
- Argentine
- Ariamsvlei
- Arlie
- Artois Mill
- Ashton
- Atherstone
- Baartman
- Badplaas
- Bailey
- Balfour
- Bangor
- Bank
- Bapsfontein
- Barberton
- Barkly Bridge
- Barkly East
- Barkly West
- Barnard
- Baroda
- Baroe
- Bathurst
- Beacon Hill
- Beaufort West
- Beit Bridge
- Bellair
- Bellevue
- Bellville
- Belmont
- Benoni
- Berg River
- Bergendal
- Bergher's Drift
- Bergville
- Berlin
- Bethal
- Bethesda Road
- Bethlehem
- Bethulie
- Biesiespoort
- Bitterfontein
- Blaauwbank
- Blaauwkrantz
- Blaney
- Blockhill
- Bloemfontein
- Bloemhof
- Blood River
- Bloubos
- Bluecliff
- Boesmanshoek Pass
- Boksburg
- Bombani
- Bonnievale
- Border
- Bosrand
- Bot River
- Botha's Hill
- Botrivier
- Botswana
- Bowkers Park
- Braamfontein
- Brakpan
- Brakpoort
- Brakwal
- Brand
- Brandfort
- Bredasdorp
- Breede River
- Breidbach
- Breyten
- Bridges
- Brits
- Britstown
- Bronkhorstspruit
- Brussels
- Buffalo Harbour
- Burgersdorp
- Bushmans River
- Butterworth
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Anglo-Boer War
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Anglo-Boer War
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Anglo-Boer War
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Anglo-Boer War
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