- ArchiefZA 0375 - THL Image Collection
- ReeksP - P Collection
- 889 more...
- StukP1225 - Mockup of NGR triple sleeping bunk, beds folded down.
- StukP1225_01 - Mockup of NGR triple sleeping bunk, beds folded up.
- StukP1226 - NGR sleeping compartment.
- StukP1227 - Durban. Natal Harbour Board waiting room at Durban Harbour.
- StukP1227_01 - Aboard a dredging boat.
- StukP1228 - Durban, 4 October 1907. SS 'Goth' with 2695 tonnes of mealies, first ship to leave Natal with full cargo of colonial produce.
- StukP1229 - Underframe of 35-ton train trucks being offloaded from a ship.
- StukP1230 - Kroonstad. Washerwomen at work in the Valsch River.
- StukP1231 - Hillcrest. Construction of 24 ft deep No 2 cutting for the NGR.
- 4510 more...