- FondsZA 0375 - THL Image Collection
- SeriesBF - BF Collection
- File395 - BF Collection File 395
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- ItemCB_018_218_90 - Pretoria, March 1990. SAR Transtrotter and SAR Transpect MK-1 rail vehicles at Koedoespoort. Mitsubishi. Toyota. [Sonja Grunbauer]
- ItemCB_018_219_90 - Pretoria, March 1990. SAR Transtrotter rail vehicle at Koedoespoort. Mitsubishi. [S Grunbauer]
- ItemCB_018_220_90 - Pretoria, March 1990. SAR Transpect MK-1 rail vehicle at Koedoespoort. Toyota. [Sonja Grunbauer]
- ItemCB_018_233_90 - 1990. Detail of bogie.
- ItemCB_020_082_82 - Bapsfontein, April 1982. The hump at Sentrarand. [T Robberts]
- ItemCB_020_128_82 - Bapsfontein, December 1982. SAR type XQ-1 treacle tanker wagon on the hump at Sentrarand marshalling yard. [T Robberts]
- ItemCB_020_184_82 - Bapsfontein, 1982. The hump at the Sentrarand marshalling yard. [T Robberts]
- ItemCB_021_023_5 - SAR type GZ-7 converted double deck sheep wagon.
- ItemCB_022_030_76 - Eastern Tranvaal, February 1976. Off-loading sacks of fertiliser from SAR road truck No MT80062. [Jan Hoek]
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