- FondsZA 0375 - THL Image Collection
- SeriesBF - BF Collection
- File340 - BF Collection File 340
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- ItemCB_009_145_88 - De Doorns district, 1988. SAR Class 6E1 Srs 7 on 202up 'Trans-Karoo' passenger train between Sandhills and De Wet in the Hex River Valley.
- ItemCB_009_146_88 - Worcester district, 1988. Trans-Karoo Express passenger rani.
- ItemCB_009_149_5 - De Doorns district. Trans-Karoo Express in the Hex River Valley.
- ItemCB_009_150_72 - Nelspruit district, 1972. Passenger train in Krokodilpoort.
- ItemCB_009_151_90 - Wellington district, 1990. SAR Class 6E1 Srs 8 No E1952 on 'Trans Karoo' at Soetendal.
- ItemCB_010_003_85 - Durban, 1980. Centenary train.
- ItemCB_010_005_70 - Humansdorp district, October 1970. Historical Transport Association special train commemorating the SAR Diamond Jubilee. SAR Class NG15 No 132 on Van Stadens River bridge.
- ItemCB_010_008_80 - Durban district, 1980. SAR Class GMA with Centenary Train near Cato Ridge. [D Dannhauser]
- ItemCB_010_009_80 - Durban district, 1980. SAR Class GMA with Centenary Train near Cato Ridge. [D Dannhauser]
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